McCulloch One Name Study

James Glen McCulloh 1893-1927

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James Glen McCulloh 1893-1927 on right. Not sure who is in the photo on left.

2018-07-15 05:46:33.018


_TID: 113869732
_PID: 360123185493
_OID: feca4cc5-142a-4320-846f-3bdd109c457b
_DATE: 2017-07-25 18:24:11.000


Format: jpg
Type: Other
Title: James Glen McCulloh 1893-1927
Record ID number

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
James Glenn McCulloch Sr
28 February 1893131North Carolina, USA118 September 19279634Mocksville, Davie, North Carolina, USA