McCulloch One Name Study

James Murray McCulloch Grave

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Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland

"Sacred to the memory of James Murray McCulloch, Esquire of Ardwall who died 2nd December 1857 aged 89 years. Christian Robison his wife who died 19th March 1853 aged 73 years. David his eldest son who died at Bombay 12th September 1858 aged 52 years. Agnes his eldest daughter who died 8th July 1854 aged 49 years. James Robison, his son, who died at Kingston, Jamaica Novem 1840 aged 28 years. Christian his daughter who died 1st August 1841 aged 21 years. Also Alexander McCulloch, Esquire of Kirkclaugh his brother who died November 1843 aged 70 years. Edward McCulloch born 27th March 1821, died 16th Jan 1864. Alexander McCulloch, Kirkclaugh born 15th Feb 1814, died 16th Aug 1887. Walter McCulloch, Esquire of Ardwall, born 21st November 1807, died 25th March 1892. Penelope Elizabeth McCulloch of Kirkclaugh born 5th Sept 1825, died 7th May 1896."

<metadataxml><cemetery>Old Anwoth</cemetery><personas><persona><pname></pname><bdate></bdate><bplace></bplace><ddate></ddate><dplace></dplace></persona></personas></metadataxml>

2018-05-21 12:23:07.046



Format: jpg
Type: Other
Title: James Murray McCulloch Grave
Record ID number

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Agnes Mcculloch
6 August 1804219Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland08 July 185416949Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
Alexander McCulloch
23 February 1772252Kirkclaugh0November 184318071Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
Alexander McCulloch
15 February 1814210016 August 188713673Kirkclaugh
Christina McCulloch
13 March 182020401 August 184118221Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
David McCulloch
David McCulloch
27 June 1806217Ardwall020 September 185816552Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Edward McCulloch
27 March 1821203016 January 186416042Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
James Murray McCulloch
13 April 1768256Ardwall132 December 185716689Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland
James Robison McCulloch
20 June 1812211018 November 184018328Kingston, Jamaica
Penelope Elizabeth McCulloch
5 September 182519807 May 189612770Kirkclaugh
Walter McCulloch
21 November 1807216Ardwall025 March 189213284Ardwall
Christian Robison
1780244Strathblane, Stirlingshire, Scotland1319 March 185317173Anwoth, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland