McCulloch One Name Study

Francis Fisher Lenoir

The file ‘’ does not exist.

The picture hangs in the San Jacinto War Memorial

<metadataxml><cemetery /><transcription /></metadataxml>

2017-05-27 03:54:59.019


_TID: 3158976
_PID: -1764494447
_OID: cbfb6be2-66bf-4f0c-943d-da477bfa0446
_DATE: 2008-02-17 21:56:13.000


Format: jpg
Type: Other
Title: Francis Fisher Lenoir
Record ID number

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Frances Fisher Lenoir
11 April 1780244Dinwiddie County, Virginia, USA1310 May 186615786Ellis County, Texas, USA