McCulloch One Name Study

Andrew Christian McCulloch Grave

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"In memory of Andrew Christian McCulloch, Lieut. Royal Navy D.S.C., grandson of Lord & Lady Ardwall. He gave his life for his country on 30th March 1944 when he went down with H.M.S. Laforby in action against a submarine off the coast of Italy. 'Went the day well? We died and never knew. But well or ill, Britain, we died for you'. And of his father Major General Sir Andrew Jameson McCulloch, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., D.C.M., D.L., Chevalier of the Legion of Honour of Ardwall. Colonel of the Highland Light Infantry. Commander of the 64th Infantry Brigade during the first German War 1914 – 1918. Born 14th July 1876. Died 19th April 1960."


2018-05-21 12:09:36.447



Format: jpg
Type: Other
Title: Andrew Christian McCulloch Grave
Record ID number

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Andrew Christian McCulloch
24 April 1915109030 March 19448028Italy
Sir Andrew Jameson McCulloch
14 July 1876147Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland419 April 19606483Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland