McCulloch One Name Study

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Interactive tree of Sarah

Sarah McCullough 17451792
Susannah McCullough 1748
John McCulloch 17921884
John McCullough 17521827
Olivia Morgan 17641827
Mary McCullough 1756
Eleanor McCullough 1760
Hannah McCullough 17641797
Samuel McCullough 1768
Margaret McCullough 1772
Samuel McCullough 17221802
Sarah 1728
John McCullough of Bohemia Manor 16851750
Sir Godfrey McCulloch of Ardwall 16401697
Lady Agnes Kennedy 16551725
Sir Alexander McCulloch of Ardwall 16201675
Lady Anna Fergusson of Kilkerran 16201699
John McCulloch 15891667
Elizabeth McCulloch
Margaret Coupar
Gothray McCulloch 1588
Marion Kennedy
Agnes Murray 1582
William McCulloch
Gilbert Kennedy
Sir Alexander Kennedy