McCulloch One Name Study

Myretoun Castle

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Mryton Castle is on a knoll overlooking the White Loch of Myretoun near Monoreith Mains. To elevate the residential tower for a commanding view of the surroundings and for additional protection, it was built atop a steep motte.

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2017-05-22 04:08:15.507


_TID: 49934221
_PID: 28104204288
_OID: 2fab7305-bfdc-4914-ba2e-5eb018a24987
_DATE: 2015-09-07 04:39:06.000


Format: jpg
Type: Other
Title: Myretoun Castle
Record ID number

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Sir William McCulloch of Myretoun II
1553471Myrton, Wigtownshire, Scotland4162639873Ireland